14. August ~ Finally Friday, Last day of Work
Today was a pretty good day. I got up early and decided to take a different bus than usual and then walk to work. It was a nice morning, and I want to walk as much as I can before I leave. I love walking around the city while listening to my headphones taking in the views.
When I got to work I was overjoyed by the fact that Lion King II was on the television. What a great way to start of my last day. As a child the Lion King was my favorite movie, I had as much lion king stuff as my parents would allow, and to this day I still have my Lion King Alarm clock which yes, made its way to Russia with me. As I look at it now, it’s almost 2:30 am.
It was strange, when I arrived all of the kids were so happy and all proclaimed “hi” in unison it seemed. They came over quickly and wanted to be all over me! I seemed as if they could sense it was the last day. The staff wanted me to bring pictures of my family and boyfriend, so I had brought all the pictures that I had with me. Francesca and I spent the first half an hour or showing off and explaining our pictures.
I also took time to take pictures of the children, it was nice. They love it when you take their picture and show it to them. They laugh and laugh and laugh. After that everyone got ready to go outside for a walk. I was excited to go for a walk again. We ended up going to walk to the Church I actually walked to earlier in the week to take pictures. When we arrived I had to get something to cover my head (women have to wear something over their head to go in a Church). Soon after we arrived some bells went off and were playing for quite a little while. We all sat on benches outside the church and listened. Eventually we went into the church and the kids walked around, the staff (Alla and Olga, my favorites!) bought some candles to light.
At one point, when I was walking over to the group to see what was going on, I noticed that water started spraying all over the place. A bunch of the kids were in the corner, and I figured out that Sameer had turned a small spicket that was running along the edge of the floor. I tried not to laugh, and I felt bad because that’s certainly not good and I could tell that Alla seemed a bit embarrassed.
The church itself was very pretty and had its own icons and frescos from the 15th century. I’ve seen so many churches by now that you can gather a similar feel to most of them. However, it was still a gorgeous Church, with scaffolding around it because of course it seems that so many things these days are getting a remodel or facelift.
When we returned we played outside for the last time! The staff was eager to talk to Francesca and I. We actually sang them the national anthem and couple more patriotic songs that we knew. Then they wanted us to translate the national anthem. Francesca was able to do a few of the lines, but it got difficult. Alla, Olga, and the two of us got into a discussion about how American view Russians and vice versa. They told us that they think that Americans are good, have a good mind about us. We said that Americans don’t really have any opinions either way and most of the media coverage is negative. Alla and Olga said that we were wonderful girls, and we all hoped that each of us has a newfound appreciation for each others’ cultures and have learned something from each other.
I know that being in Russia has certainly changed my opinions of the country as a whole. I hope that when I get home that my stories also do the same. As Stas said, foreign exchange programs certainly area good diplomatic tool!
We said our goodbyes to the ladies, exchanged emails and addresses. They wished a good trip home. Alla told me to have a happy marriage and many kids, to remember her with piano and think of her when I listen to Rachmaninov. She hoped we would come back to Russia again and told me “I will await you”. She likes to say that a lot when we’re leaving work. I am soo glad that these were the ladies that were on our last day!
The children were busy playing so I didn’t go around and give them all hugs and say goodbye, it was just a goodbye and they all looked at said goodbye. Alla, the 8 year old, understood that we wouldn’t be returning so we gave her a hug and said goodbye. As for the other children, I don’t think that they realize that we won’t be coming back, so it was better to just say goodbye and leave quietly.
Overall the orphanage experience was really great and I am so glad that I was able to work here. I feel that I have learned a lot from the experience and the children are just soo cute! The only thing that I don’t like is that I may never find out what will happen to these kids. I only hope that they will be able to have successful lives, a good job and education. Only time will tell.
I went and had lunch with Steve, Adrian, and Colin. It was cool, we talked about all the music we’ve heard here, and how apparently Porsche is now owned by Volkswagen. Colin exclaimed that it was sad day. After lunch Colin and I walked around the Kremlin. It was his last day here in Novgorod and so he needed to get some pictures.
We both eventually found ourselves at Francesca’s house. He wanted to say bye and I was going to go over and use the computer. So, we all did that. Eventually I went home and Olga soon came home. She quickly cooked me some dinner, vacuumed, and got ready to go the village. I am kind of sad that she will be gone until Monday morning because that means I will only have a day with her, and most of it she’s working.
Shira did not want to go and she kept running away from Olga. She even scratched her a little, I guess the car rides make Shira not want to leave! Eventually Olga and the animals were on their way! I will miss them, although it will be nice to have my bedroom door open without having to worry about the cat coming in and playing with my stuff!
Steve came over at 7, and Adrian came over about 8 or so. I offered Steve some of the abundant food that was left for me and we had a nice conversation about morality. We decided to have a movie night tonight so Steve brought over some movies. Missed you Masha!
We ended up watching a somewhat new Angelina Jolie movie, Watchmen! It’s actually really good, I liked it. It’s an action movie about assassins. There was a Russian guy in the movie and we were excited when we understood what he said, even thought it was only one word!
After our movie we wanted to buy some ice cream and water. It was around midnight and we head out to the grocery store across the street. It was closed but the gas station at the end of the street was a lit up. Our adventure was a success and we returned with ice cream, water, and bacon flavored lays. The chips weren’t bad. Of course I got the wrong water, sparkling instead of still. Oh well, good thing I love sparkling water anyways!
You know, I often wonder, does sparkling water have any health benefits over non sparkling water?
When we returned me watched Slumdog Millionaire. This is probably my 5th time watching it, I love it! I fell asleep towards the end, but it’s okay. The guys left after it was over and then I went to bed.
Overall it turned out to be a very pleasant day. 4 more days here .
Love, Sasha!
Picture Link: Russia ~ Day 42, 43 ~ Galavanting around Novgorod
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Day 43 ~ Last Day of Work
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5:33 AM
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That is perfect that they played Lion King II on your last day! I can only imagine how excited you were when you saw that!
It sounds like you had a nice last day at the orphanage! I am so glad that you had a great experience there! It sounds like it was a very good learning experience for you in many ways :)
Aww and that was a cute thing of Alla to say!
Poor Shira! Olga could have left Shira with you to take care of, oh well.
I have never heard of that movie. It must be pretty good if you like one with Angelina Jolie in it =P. Haha and I can only imagine your excitement knowing what that one word was =P
You have watched Slumdog five times already! You really must love that movie!
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